Chief Kaufmann
Fire Chief
St. Tammany Fire Dist. No. 1
“This is the only building designed specifically to be the fire department’s headquarters in the history of this department, which dates to 1952. So we were able to build for today and to give us a little space going into the future. It’s a facility that fits the department. … We knew the flow we wanted, who needed what access. The architects met with us in multiple meetings, and this is what we came up with. It’s a fantastic fit for our department. I couldn’t be more pleased.”
Slidell’s new Fire District Headquarters and Fire Station on Robert Boulevard designed by Greenleaf Architects and Domain Architecture have officially opened. We are thrilled to see Chief Kaufmann and his 175 employees happily settled into their new home after years of planning and construction.
The new Fire District 1 headquarters is a 7,500-foot structure with ample office space, storage, and areas to meet with the public. A large conference room on the first floor can comfortably fit a couple of dozen people for routine administrative meetings or conferences during emergency situations.
A 6,200-square foot firehouse, Fire Station 13, was built adjacent to the new headquarters and it, too, is fully operational. The district purchased a 100-foot-long ladder truck that will operate from the facility, and a circular driveway ensures that trucks won’t have to back out on busy Robert Boulevard. Firefighters are working 24-hour shifts at their new house, which includes a day room, bunk beds, lockers, a pair of offices for captains on duty, and a computer area for ongoing training.